Updated graphics, modern design, improved accessibility, and streamlined rules, the game is now even more immersive, engaging, and fun for players of all ages and skill levels. Set sail on a coding adventure with Potato Pirates today!
* the Cooperative Expansion Pack can be played with existing Potato Pirates games.
* Recruit card needs to be removed and Hack cards will not be in play for Thinkfun version. (or just change recruit into hack)
* Potato King card has been changed to be more beneficial to players.
How To Play
There are 7 Potato King cards hidden at random in the deck. Be the first to collect all 7 Potato King cards by roasting, mashing and frying other potato pirates. Power up your attacks with programming concepts such as loops and conditionals. Alternatively, eliminate all enemies and be the last Potato Pirate sailing to win the game.

More Information: Link