The Wizard is a curious character. The starting deck has explosive damage, but the Gold can be unreliable. The Wizard also starts with the lowest Health of all the Characters, and since the Channel ability costs you Health, Wizarding suddenly sounds like a dangerous occupation..
Of course, the reason to be a Wizard is the magic! Channel scales with the power of your deck, and Fireball prevents being snowballed by champions in the early-to-mid game. (Get it? Because snow?…fire?…ok then…)
Channel is arguably the most powerful class ability. Most class abilities get better as the game goes on, but Channel is special in that its power is about equal to the average card in your deck. Since your starting deck is less effective, this ability will usually not be used in the early game (except to spend extra gold or draw enough damage to finish a champion). The loss of health is not insignificant either, using this ability even a handful of times will make a significant difference to your Health..
With Channel, deck quality is even more important to the Wizard than other classes. Once the average card in their deck is worth more than 2 gold, you can Channel almost every turn, and have a 6 card hand for the rest of the game. Channel also rewards you for knowing your deck. If you have a good idea that your top card is not a Gold, you can swing a turn, and possibly a game.
Because Channel is a late game ability, cards that slow the game down and are better in long games tend to be better in the Wizard’s deck. This means cards that sacrifice weaker cards, gain Health to stay in the game, or draw more cards. Because the Wizard is such a late game powerhouse, playing against a Wizard means trying to kill them before the game goes on too long.
It’s rare to see an ability that affects multiple champions, and this effect affects all of them! Fireball gets better against more champions, so try to save it for when your opponent lines up a few flammable targets, or you might use it to stun a champion that you wouldn’t have been able to. Sometimes, using Fireball against a single Champion is correct, especially if your deck has little combat, and the Champion in question will ruin your day.
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