Welcome to Taiwan Night Market, the paradise for street food lovers!
In this game, you play as an ambitious vendor trying to make a fortune by bidding on the best locations for your stalls and attracting customers with your delicious food. Can you outwit your competitors and be crowned the king of the night market vendors?

Taiwan Night Market is an auction game at its core, where you will bid for different locations in the night market every round and choose the type of stalls (food, drinks, dessert, or snacks) you want to build to attract hungry tourists.
At the end of the game, the player with the most money wins the game!
The Night Market illustration series, namely Boss Cat’s Street Vendors 貓老闆的路邊攤, were all created by Nuomi 諾米, a famous artist in Taiwan. You can check out how he creates this stunning artwork in the videos below:

- Box size: 32 x 23 x 5.4 cm
- Customer tokens x40
- Player markers x48 (KS Special: upgraded to wooden cat tokens)
- Bidding cards x9 (all cards are 60 x 60 mm)
- Location cards x30
- Stall cards x52 (12 each in 4 colors)
- Loan cards x15
- Game board x1
- Money tokens (In the denomination of $1, $3, and $10)
- Toilet card x1 (KS Special)
- Rulebooks (English & Chinese)

The game is played for 5 rounds in a 4-player game (6 rounds for 3 players). Each round is broken down into the following four phases: Preparation, Bidding, Open for Business, and Clean-up.
1. Preparation Phase
- Reveal 5 new locations (No. 1 ~ 30) to be auctioned this round.

- Reveal 4 general customers and place them on the corresponding entries.
- Each player secretly chooses 1 hidden customer for this round (not revealed yet).

2. Bidding Phase
- Players take turns to bid for stall locations (2 rounds of bidding).

- Pay for the location(s) if you have won the bid.
- Follow the turn order to determine which type of stall(s) to build.

3. Open for Business Phase
- Each player reveals their hidden customer and places them on their corresponding entry points.

- Move the customers along the path until they either enter a stall of their color or reach the next entry on the map.

- Receive $3 for each customer who enters your stall. If you have a joint booth (2 or more adjacent stalls of the same stall type), you can earn extra money from each customer.
4. Clean-up Phase
- Each player refills their hand back to 4 customer tokens.
- Adjust the player order based on the number of stalls and then cash in hand.
- Start a new round from Phase 1.
After 5 rounds (or 6 rounds for 3 players), the player with the most money wins!

The English rules can be downloaded HERE.
Please note that the rulebooks are not final in terms of content and layout. We are open to your feedback about the clarity of the rules. Please, don’t hesitate to provide your feedback!

You can play Taiwan Night Market on Tabletop Simulator (Click HERE).
We would love to hear your feedback about the gameplay so we can tweak and craft the game to its perfection!
You’re more than welcome to join our Discord server (TBD Gaming) to hang out with the publisher and designers and playtest some games together. (Click HERE to join!)

Taiwan Night Market was successfully crowdfunded in Taiwan last November. The game design is 98% done, but we have some ideas about the expansion modules and new game maps that we really want to unlock for gamers. That’s why we launch this Kickstarter campaign to seek for more support from international backers. Here you will get the KS Special version which contains the following two goodies unlocked during the crowdfunding campaign in Taiwan. Any further stretch goals unlocked during this campaign will be included, too.
- Woodend cat tokens x 48 (Upgraded from generic wooden cubes.)
- Toilet card x1 (Randomly set up on the map at the beginning of the game. For each round, draw a customer token to place on the Toilet card. The customer will walk along the path starting from the toilet.)

You can pledge two copies of Taiwan Night Market (KS Special version) for a discount. All unlocked stretch goals will be included, too. Grab a friend to save on the game and the shipping cost!

Love the night market artwork from Nuomi? You may add the double-sided acrylic keychains featuring amazing artwork to your pledge!

We have some plans for the stretch goals in mind and would love to upgrade this Kickstarter version to its best possible form. With your help, we can achieve the goals together!
- Funding Goal | $10,000 | Base game + Wooden cat tokens x48 + Toilet card x1

In our previous crowdfunding campaign in Taiwan, we’ve unlocked these two stretch goals. We will include them in the Kickstarter version if we reach the funding goal!
- The wooden cat tokens replace the generic player cubes in the game. They don’t bring you magic powers but they are cute!
- The Toilet card is a one-card expansion, which can be randomly placed on one of the stall locations at the beginning of the game. Each round, one random customer tile will be revealed and placed on the Toilet card. The customer will walk along the path starting from the Toilet.
- Stretch Goal No. 1 | $13,000 | Night Market Booster Expansion

Your night market business is getting bigger with the boosters!
With this expansion module, at the end of each round, players take turns to choose one of the Booster bonuses to unlock (place your token to mark it). The bonuses become more and more powerful as the game progress. So choose your Booster carefully to maximize your strategy!
- Stretch Goal No. 2 | $16,000 | Booster: Traffic Cone tokens

A new Booster token for you to use in the game. During the Bidding phase, you can place the Traffic Cone token on one of the binding spots to block it. Players can’t place their bid on that spot!
- Stretch Goal No. 3 and beyond | $??? | To be announced.
More stretch goals will be announced along the way. We need your help to unravel more goodies!

We are small publishers in Taiwan trying hard to bring our games to the world. Kickstarter is one of the best platforms for us to reach out to the international community. We want to hear from you on this platform to see how you feel about our games and how we can make them a better version through the magic of crowdfunding.
To express our deepest gratitude to our backers, we guarantee that you will get the best prices not only for the pledges but also for the shipping costs. Our backers will get all the unlocked stretch goals for free, while in the future those items need to be purchased for an additional cost and some of them are exclusive in this campaign.

You can find TBD and Good Game Studio on most social media platforms and we are eager to greet you online and talk about our games and board gaming in general (and Taiwanese street food!).
- Follow Us on Twitter: TBD, GG Studio & Nuomi
- Follow Us on Instagram: TBD, GG Studio & Nuomi
- Like Us on Facebook: TBD, GG Studio & Nuomi
- Chat with us on Discord: TBD Gaming
- Become a Fan on BoardGameGeek: Taiwan Night Market

TBD Games LLC, aka Taiwan Boardgame Design, is a publisher and licensing agency based in Taiwan. Founded in 2013, the team has devoted itself to cultivating the board game design environment in Taiwan and promoting novel and fun games from Taiwanese creators to the world.
TBD’s footprint can be found in major conventions such as Tokyo Game Market, Essen Spiel, and UK Games Expo. They partner with an army of Taiwanese game designers and indie publishers to bring their titles to the international market. You may have heard about Vegetable Stock, Flip City, Ponzi Scheme, Electropolis, Cat Tower, Harvest Island, Three Little Wolves, Formosa Tea, and many more that have been licensed to different countries.
TBD’s new endeavor is to bring the original designs from Taiwanese creators to Kickstarter so that we can reach out to a greater community online directly. We look forward to hearing your voice (actually, text comments) and answering any questions you might have about our games and their creators. We are deeply grateful to have you along the way and we are thrilled if you become one of our backers!

Good Game Studio (GG Studio) is a board game publisher based in Taiwan. They have been publishing games since 2012 and so far have more than 18 original titles under their belt. In addition to Taiwan Night Market, they also have Vegetable Stock, Kung Fu, Monster Busters, and many more. This is the first Kickstarter campaign from GG Studio, and they are super excited to show you the beautiful, fun, and delicious Taiwan Night Market!
4. 支付競標費用,建設喜歡的攤位(珍奶最高)
More Information: Link